Object Orientation, shortly OO, is an object centric system development approach. An object can be a high level object, like for instance a business unit, or a low level object like for instance a character string. Each noun can be considered as an object.
An object contains data attributes, but an object also contains so called "behavior". In other words, an Object Knows things and an object can do things. The latter you can express as functions. Within the workshop the participants learn how to identify relevant objects and how objects have to collaborate to realize a function.
Upon completion of the workshop, the partipant:
- understands that an object encapsulates data atributes and functions
- understands that an object knows things and an object can do things
- understands that an object is owner of its data
- understands that objects have to collaborate to realize a function
- understands how to interpret a UML class diagram
- understands how to interpret a UML sequence diagram
- understands how to interpret a UML state transition diagram
- understands how to identify relevant objects
- understands that a use case step can be worked out with a UML sequence diagram
- understands that a UML class diagram can be erriched with additional data atributes and functions
- understands that a UML class diagram evolves gradually to a detailed system specification
- can participate in a business modeling workshop to improve business processes